The Bear and the Bear Cub (by ViveAdam)

Summary: The story of a friendship between Hoss Cartwright and… a bearcub  

Rated: K  WC  5500


The Bear and the Bear Cub


Hoss took a voluptuous breath in the autumn air that smelt a nice humus and mushroom fragrance. The atmosphere seemed to be pink and gold alike the heathers proudly dying at the foot of the ponderosas. Hoss felt deeply happy. While his horse was nonchalantly bringing him closer and closer to the Ponderosa, he was thinking of nothing. He was rather rejoicing because the hunt had been successful and at the same time, he was regretting it. Of course, it was an intense satisfaction when you caught a game after a patient and clever tracking but you couldn’t help wondering, once the corpse in your hands, why, on earth, you had cut short the quivering life of an animal which had not been actually bothering you.However, a big cat was not an animal of the kind you were supposed to move to pity for. It was cruel and wild and dangerous for travellers, although travellers were not likely to cross this deserted part of the mountain.

Hoss was just at this point of his meditation when he saw, popping up from the edge of a big stone, two round ears and a pointed muzzle : a bear cub. “Not old enough to wander far from its mother” Hoss quickly thought and, stopping his horse, he took his rifle out. Then, he started again and followed the young animal.The bear cub jogged along on his four legs, not caring about following any kind of lane. Anxious to treat carefully his mount, Hoss followed with twists and turns. This strange team climbed up around half a mile higher than the place where the creature-with-round-ears had tantalized the man-with –the-sugar-loaf-shaped–hat (this headgear, the only one of its kind to be found in the region, which Hoss was so proud of, to the amazement of his brothers).

Suddenly, the bear cub, groaning, increased the pace and Hoss understood, following its gaze, why it was so disturbed.  A giant mother bear lay down, in front of a cavern, apparently dead.Hoss dismounted, rolled his reins around a bush to have his horse believe he was tied, hung back his rifle up his saddle, and then he moved towards the beast. No doubt, she was full dead, having probably been killed with a hunting knife. Her offspring fussed around the big fur, smelling, nudging, trying to get a reaction out of her. Hoss moved to pity for it and remembered that he had some gingerbread left in his holsters. He went back to his horse, took the cake out and gave it to the baby bear, which seemed to appreciate this present.

Hoss as he watched, delighted, the « baby » satisfying its appetite, wandered if he wouldn’t have to bring it back to Ponderosa. It was not the first time. His father deplored enough his “disastrous habit to convert the ranch into a zoo” but so far, willingly or reluctantly, everybody had admitted his raw-boned cats, his dogs covered with fleas and even a hardly weaned fawn which had eaten up the flowers that Adam and Joe, influenced by Mariette, their adopted sister, had planted and grown with a great many watering. But a bear… What would be their reaction? Sure Joe would roll on the ground with laughter. No doubt that Adam would remark, with a sigh, that Hoss had found in the mountain someone of his kin. Or any sarcastic comment of the kind ! And coming to Pa… At the best, he would throw his arms up in the air, at the worst, he would sack everybody, bear cub and son. Not to mention Ho-Psing’s grousing and dogs’ barking, it would certainly make a big fuss.

From another side, he could not abandon this little bear which, without a mother, was doomed to death.

“Hands up !” a coarse voice shouted.

Taken aback, Hoss obeyed. The unknown man came close to him and nimbly caught his gun.

“Thank you, I had no gun”, the hateful individual stated, laughing.

Hoss turned round and, without taking time to examine the shaggy-haired and unshaven man, he charged in blindly. The man, unprepared to such a counter-attack, didn’t have the reflex to shoot and rolled on the ground, the giant upon him. Such a big fray followed that Hoss’ horse was scared, reared up and hurtled down the slope.

Hoss’ attacker swore and, suddenly remembering he had a gun in his hand, pointed it on his opponent’s chest.

“Stop it or I blow you up !” he threatened, with a grating tone.

Hoss froze.

« I wanted your horse but it cleared off. At least, I have your gun. All I had was the knife I used to kill the beast. That’s all I was able to steal when I escaped. Now, I am going to kill the bear cub and eat it.”

Even under threatening, Hoss was unable to let such an infamy to be perpetrated. He rushed towards the bear cub to make it run away. Seeing that, the man shot his leg. Hoss collapsed while the bear cub disappeared.

Coming to Hoss, the gangster spat at his face. “ Stupid ! Bastard !”, he eructated. “I have been starving for two days. Even so, I can’t eat the old tough. Whatever, it’s too bad for you but you’re going to kick the bucket. Nobody will look for you in that place. As for me, I will find my way by following your horse’s trail. It will lead to somewhere.”

Hoss, who had straightened on his elbow, watched him disappear from his sight. Once again, his sensitive heart had played a rotten trick on him. No illusions, he was in a real bad position. Wounded as he was, he couldn’t walk ; at the very most, he could creep. And from where he was, it was a long way to the very first traces of civilisation.

Nevertheless, Hoss, having, as all the Cartwrights, the habit to hang on to life, began to move at a slug’s speed, without knowing where he was going. Pain was so strong that he had a red film before his eyes. Then, what had to happen happened : he fell in a hole. It wasn’t a very deep hole but deep enough to prevent him to go forward. On top of all, it was now impossible for a passer-by to see him if ever it was thinkable to have somebody passing by there.

Half knocked-out, Hoss forced himself to open his eyes. From the sun’s height, there were about eight hours left before night. He could expect the heat to become a hell in this basin. Just to think of it made him thirsty. Suddenly, a fluffy bowl leapt upon his belly and began to generously lick his face.

“ So, here you are, you ! You can say that I am in a pretty mess because of you. If you were a dog, I would send you to find rescue. Well, I have nothing to lose. Why not try ? ”

He took his bandana out of his own neck and tied it to the bear cub’s neck. Even not written, it was still a message. Anyway Hoss was not a guy of the kind to always have something for writing on him so he had to find a way to ask for help.The gambolling bear cub went away and Hoss fell into a sleep very similar to fainting.


At one hour’s run from there, Adam Cartwright was paddling in a torrent’s fresh water. As his brothers, he liked hunting and was skilful in it but, sometimes, he didn’t consider it beneath him to fish. He needed no tool for it, neither a rod nor a net, he just used his hands. He used to lift up his pants’ legs to the knees, take off his boots and get into the water, choosing a place where the sun lit up the transparent water. And when a trout ventured between his legs, he used to lay his hand flat under the fish and, with a fast hit, send it on the bank.This Sunday, he had decided he would change the usual meal (pork, beef, game, game, beef, pork, it was tiresome). So he had climbed up the mountain to practise a pastime he did appreciate especially since it was solitary. Adam liked to have company, he was not averse to spend a Sunday afternoon in a saloon, playing games of billiards, joking with friends and drinking a few beers but, from time to time, he felt pleasant to be alone in the wild and to enjoy fully the trees’ scent, the birds’ music and the fresh air.

After having lined up on the bank eight silver trout, he considered it was enough and got out  from the water. At that point, he heard the noise of a gallop and quickly climbed up a rock to see who was violating his refuge. Much to his surprise, he caught sight of a horse deprived of his rider and his eagle eye let him know that the horse was Chubb, his brother Hoss’ massive stallion.

“Easy, easy”, he shouted without any result. Worried, he put his boots back, then mechanically caught his fishing and got into the saddle. Tracks, on this stony ground, were not easy to spot but Adam had behind him more than fifteen years of tracking. Not without trouble, he got to the place where Hoss had first caught sight of the bear cub.Suddenly, Adam’s horse reared up, neighing. Adam leant over the neck, first to quiet down Sport by giving him a light swat, next to see what was the cause of this shying. At first sight, he distinguished only a fluffy bowl. Without loosing the reins, he dismounted and saw that the fluffy bowl was provided with ears, a muzzle and little round ears. A bear cub !

Without knowing it, Adam made exactly the same observations as Hoss previously had when a coloured spot around the bear’s neck intrigued him. He had to catch the animal to have a closer look on it. But how could he manage to do it ? To leave his horse would be unwise and, on another side, he would have a better chance by walking. Adam was a decision-making man. He chose to ride. He had a lot of troubles but he succeeded in his track. The bear cub seemed to take a malicious pleasure in crossing thorny bushes or setting on the edge of a narrow ledge and Adam had to skirt round the obstacles.

All of a sudden, the bear cub speeded up, as if the end was in his sight. He led Adam in front of the gaping mouth of a cavern. At the foot of the cave, a huge fur carpet spread out : “the mother corpse”, Adam noted in his mind. He dismounted and, very quickly, noticed his brother’s trail, easily recognizable by the deep track Hoss’s weigh used to leave in the ground. He also remarked the tracks of another man. With his nose level with the ground, he saw the mark of a fighting and a little further, spots of dry blood. Five minutes later, he was kneeling down, anxious, over his brother’s unconscious body. Was he… ? No, it wasn’t possible, it just couldn’t be. Hoss, the big Hoss, so full of joie de vivre, so confident in the world, so innocently kind, Hoss couldn’t have brought his young life to an end, in this sordid ravine, on account of a stupid hunting trip.

At that point, Adam felt on his cheek a warm and wet muzzle. The bear cub, that he had completely forgotten, seemed to urge him : “hurry up, do something”. And while Adam laid his ears onto his brother’s chest, the bear cub began to copiously lick the colossus.Was it the human warmth or the plantigrade’s affectionate watering, whatever the reason, Hoss weakly stirred.

“He’s alive” Adam vociferated, while the bear cub was yelping as if wanting to be in unison with the human. Then, Adam got up, took his canteen out of his saddlebag and poured sparingly some water between his brother’s lips.

“Adam, is that you?” Hoss asked, having difficulties to articulate words. “What are you doing here ?”

“If you mind, I can go away”, the oldest of the Cartwright sons answered. Seeing his brother alive, he was relieved enough to come back to his usual mocking mood.

“I’m wounded. A bullet in the leg. But above all, I’m exhausted, as weak as an old man and unable to get out of this hole.”

Doing what he had already done in similar situations, Adam tore up his sleeve from his shirt and used it to make a bandage and wrap the wound. While doing that, he was thinking hard. What was he going to do ? No question, he couldn’t leave Hoss there to find help. Rescues were too far and in the wilderness, too many beasts could find a reason to harm a wounded man.

“I’m going to make a travois” he declared. “I will have to slide it under you, then I will tie it to my horse who will pull it. Only, the slope is abrupt and I will have to guide Sport step by step. It’s likely to be slow and painful.”

“Never mind”, Hoss answered, “Anything’s better than stay slowly dying here. Speaking of that, you didn’t tell me what had you miraculously come up there.”

“And you didn’t tell me how you managed to get into this fine mess. You’re going to explain while I do my little plaiting work.”

Adam was, of course, curious to hear his brother’s adventure but, above all, he wanted to prevent him from fainting. He was heavy enough while awake ! He carefully listened to his brother’s tale then told him how the bear cub had alerted him.

« Good creature » Hoss said tenderly. “I hope Adam, that you’re not planning to let it behind us, knowing what he’s done for me. If we don’t help it, it will starve to death. Besides, you should find it something to eat.”

“I think it found it itself” Adam noticed gloomily, seeing the bear cub bustle about his horse. “I had fished some trout for dinner but I assume we’d better eat some now”.

A huge smile lit up Hoss’ face . “Good idea ! I’m starving, you know ?”

Adam was speechless. Even knowing his brother’s big appetite, he would have believed that with a wounded leg and early sunstroke, Hoss would have forgotten everything about food. In the same case, that’s how he would have reacted.

Sighing deeply, he took out the smaller trout and gave it to the bear cub, then he picked the two biggest trout for Hoss and a middle size fish for him. And grilled it. Once Hoss fed up, he began the difficult task consisting in slipping the travois under the impressive body of his younger brother.It took them at least one hour, both moaning and sweating, to get there.

« I was wrong to feed you before !” Adam commented. “I would have spared the weigh of the pair of trout you ate. If ever I succeed in taking you back to the Ponderosa, I promise you that you’ll not go hunting again unless you loose at least thirty kilos.”

« Tyrant », was the only word Hoss had the strength to eructate before passing out.


He came back to life thanks to a feeling of coolness. He still was on the travois but Adam had covered a good distance. They were on the river bank where Adam had fished and night had fallen. His eldest brother was fussing around him, having torn his second shirt sleeve to put a clean dressing on his wound. Seeing that Hoss was opening his eyes, he greeted him with a hearty “Welcome”.

« We’re going to spend the night here. Sport needs a rest and you need a little motionlessness. If  everything’s all right, to-morrow you will have lunch at the Ponderosa.”

“What about Fluffy-Bowl ?” Hoss asked, worrying over his bear cub. “ You didn’t abandon it, did you ?”

Adam laughed : “I know better than that. I don’t want to be hanged as soon as you will recover. It’s here, eating up my left trout. It traveled laid on your belly”

Feverish, Hoss spent a restless night. Adam woke up several times to wet his forehead but was so tired himself that he was unable to watch his brother. As a matter of fact, Fluffy-Bowl acted as a nurse. Using the wonderful animals’ instinct, it moisturized Hoss by licking him, so that, at dawn, Adam found his brother far better than he had expected. Then he decided he would increase the pace on the way back.They arrived in triumph at Ponderosa. They needed the whole family, father, brothers and Ho-Psing to haul up Hoss to his bed. They sent for the doctor who had a lot of trouble in getting close to the wounded man because of Fluffy-Bowl which was protecting its “Mama” as Adam said, raising one eyebrow and chuckling. He obviously savored the wit of the situation. As to Joe, he was frankly laughing, totally indifferent to his father’s glares.


It took a long while for Hoss to fully recover. The wound, deprived of proper cares during two days, was infected. Meanwhile, it turned out that it was difficult to acclimate Fluffy-Bowl. Adam and Joe claimed that “This young animal, pigheaded as it is, must be a crossbreed between a bear and a donkey”. It had chosen everything : its shelter, actually, to his great delight but to the doctor and Ben’s despair, Hoss’s bedroom, but no mean of having it living elsewhere ; its food, that is to say trout, so Adam had to get up early on the morning to go fishing, which he did, not without much grumbling. Hoss, having to stand still, employed these long days to “train” the animal. This assertion raised a great skepticism in the family. Living under the same roof as Fluffy-Bowl proved to have regrettable repercussions on the other members of Ponderosa’s fauna. Adam’s Labrador growled from the dawn to sunset and Joe’s fox-terrier barked to loss of voice as soon as the bear pointed its muzzle; as to Hoss’s numerous cats, at first, they had shown a tail evoking a bottle-brush, afterwards, they had taken to their heels, confining themselves to coming back cautiously by night so as to silently and as quickly as possible eat up the mash prepared by the faithful Ho-Psing.The latter didn’t hide his hostility towards the plantigrade and every morning deafened Ben in order to obtain an eviction in the correct form. For once not knowing what to do, Ben continually postponed the decision to the following day.

After the famous expedition which had brought to the family this real nuisance, Adam had gone to the sheriff to relate Hoss’s adventure and put the police on the escaped prisoner’s tracks. As soon as he was able to answer, Hoss was interviewed and, at last, they identified his aggressor as Oswald Burry, a dangerous rascal, member of a gang of outlaws specialized in the attack of isolated farms. Any father who tried to defend his property was literally slaughtered and the house was burglarized before his wife and children’s horrified eyes. The Pinkerton agency was on his tracks but the diabolic man was skillful in slipping through their fingers.

Hoss and Adam, had done their duty. The case was closed as far as they were concerned.

A few months later, Ben Cartwright informed his sons, at breakfast, that they were invited at tea time (more exactly, coffee time if it’s possible to call coffee the questionable beverage that the four men used to swallow as such) to deliberate. Ben didn’t say more so his three sons were reduced to make assumptions all along the day.

“Boys”, Ben started without beating about the bush, “I called this meeting to decide what we intend to do with Fluffy-Bowl. It’s getting bigger before our very eyes so that we’ll have soon to call it Fluffy-Mountain.”

Joe and Adam had been waiting a long time for this moment and shared the same opinion, the former because of his fox-terrier, the latter because of his Labrador.

“ There are not two ways about it, we have to bring it back to the mountain… ” Adam answered.“… and let it there.” Joe finished. “At the beginning, we took it in because it was unable to survive without help but nowadays, it can cope with life, it’s nearly a grown bear.

”“Not at all !” Hoss exclaimed.

« Wait a minute », Adam interrupted, “I am not prepared to go to the river endlessly for its breakfast. I am taking a sudden dislike to fishing. And dreaming “of having a sleep in. At its age, it’s able to fish by itself.

Then Hoss got up and without a word and headed to the stairs, looking offended.

“Hoss, where are you going to ?”, his father asked.

Hoss turned back : “I thought that this family was feeling affection for me”, he declared dismally . “I’ve just become aware how wrong I was.”

« What have we done to you ?” Ben questioned. “Adam saved your life a few months ago. Joe and I took great trouble to make sure that you were properly treated. So, what do you blame us for?”

“First and foremost, before Adam’s intervention, Fluffy-Bowl saved me precisely by alerting him. And you, heartless people, now you want to part from it. Such a devoted animal which didn’t leave me one second during my illness ! And you figure that I could be ungrateful enough to abandon it in a hostile and under-heated mountain ?”

Although aware of their brother’s seriousness, Adam and Joe couldn’t help bursting in laughter. With sugary words, they tried to explain to Hoss that a mountain was the most usual living environment as far as bears were concerned and that he would very rarely find members of this species living in a house with a chimney and soft beds. But Hoss didn’t want to listen to them. Realizing that Hoss was genuinely hurt, Ben, wishing to have a private conversation with his middle son, made a sign to the others for them to withdraw.

Whatever Ponderosa’s patriarch said, he could not lead Hoss to admit that Fluffy-Bowl wasn’t the ideal guest in a ranch. The situation remained unchanged until a scorching night in August.

Hoss had left his window and his door opened with the hope to make a draft. Suffocating, Fluffy-Bowl went out of the bedroom. A few minutes later, they heard groaning and the noises of a fight. Ben and Adam who were light sleepers were the first to get up. Having hastily slipped into an underwear, Adam rushed towards the source of the noise. He found Fluffy-Bowl and his Labrador half intertwined and had to call for help to separate them. Without Hoss’ help, he would never have succeeded in this attempt. After Hoss had taken his beast away and tied it, he came back, sheepish and full of worry at the kennel. Adam had taken his dog out and tried to put a dressing on, while talking to the animal with the kindness of a mother speaking to her child. Joe had ridden to Virginia City, urging his horse, to get the veterinary, Adam having claimed to be ready to pay a fortune if he would come in the middle of the night.

« How… how is it?” the colossus mumbled, deeply anguished. He used to like every animal and cherished this dog as if it has belonged to him.Unable to answer, Adam just raised his eyes towards his brother and Hoss’s heart was pierced by sorrow. He had rarely seen such a look from Adam, a look full of unshed tears, a look betraying his distress.

The veterinary came too late ; the Labrador had returned his pure dog’s soul to its Creator. Adam buried it, not far from the lake, without opening his mouth.The following day, Hoss appeared to his father, wearing his traveling clothes and carrying a balluchon on his shoulder.

“I’m leaving, Pa. I’m taking Fluffy-Bowl with me. You were right, it isn’t meant to live with us. But I keep thinking it isn’t able to survive in the mountain. I’ll come back only when I’ll have found a suitable place for it. Tell Adam I’m sorry, so sorry”

Understanding, Ben nodded : “I’ll tell him, Hoss, rely on me, I’ll tell him…”


Hoss made his way towards Utah. He walked in easy stages to cross the desert leading to Salt Lake City. First time he stopped in a miner’s town, bystanders, after the primary reflex of flying away, formed a crowd around Hoss and his bear. For fun, Hoss made Fluffy-Bowl execute some of the tricks he had taught to it : dance a waltz of sorts turning quicker and quicker ; pretend to look for a fruit hidden under Hoss’s hat and suddenly, as under a flash of inspiration, take the hat off to catch the object of his desire; start running and stop abruptly on Hoss’ whistle. Onlookers laughed and some of them threw a few coins. Hoss wanted to give it back but Fluffy-Bowl hindered this plan by groaning. Hoss was obliged to keep the money. Spectators, believing in a frame-up, laughed more and more and threw other coins.It became a tradition. In every town, both accomplices gave their usual act, to the great delight of the inhabitants who had no so often such entertainments.

One day on which they had outdone themselves by inventing new tricks, Hoss’ look was caught by a boy, around twelve years, who was crying.

“ What happens to you, little one?” the giant asked.

“Outlaws killed my father and mother. We had a ranch, at a few miles. They shot my father down while he was harrowing the garden. Hearing the noise, my mother rushed out and they shot her too. I saw her fall down. I flied away by the back door. I ran without turning back and I headed to the sheriff. He left immediately with a posse. Me, now, I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid they will leave me to the parson’s care and I don’t feel like it at all. The parson is always clad in black, he wears a long grey beard and looks very strict. He has a lot of children having so many wives and you can see them filing with downcast eyes. At home, we weren’t Mormons. My mother stated that she didn’t want Pa to come back with another wife and to have no right but work and pray.”

« That, I can understand » Hoss said. He took a few moments to think, then he asked : “You could stay with me, what do you say ? I am searching a shelter for a bear. I can as well search a shelter for a bear and a boy.”

“Okay” the child answered, and on his face something like a smile appeared.

The rambling went on. Jerry (this was the child’s name) tamed Fluffy-Bowl. The child and the bear cub were playing together, spontaneously making up new tricks which sent the onlookers into raptures. Hoss, one day, announced to Jerry that he was, from now on, able to make a living as a bear leader. Hoss was joking but Jerry took it seriously. He was a precociously mature child, because of ordeal he had suffered. He was quite reserved but, in the deep of his heart, he had planned to become independent as soon as possible and to avenge his parents. The murderers were still free. The Pinkerton agency had put a price on their heads. Jerry had summarily described them and the sheriff  thought that the leader was Oswald Burry.

« But I know him ! » Hoss exclaimed. “He is the guy who killed Fluffy-Bowl’s mother”. He had told Jerry the story and this had contributed to bring the boy closer to the one which became a little more every day his bear.

One night, Hoss settled the encampment in a rock’s hollow, not far from a stream. Jerry who was sleeping against Fluffy-Bowl’s warm pelisse, felt his mattress stir. He opened his eyes but didn’t say anything. He had become very taciturn. Fluffy-Bowl, apparently recovering his ancestors’ hunting instinct,  moved silently, smelling a trail. Which trail, Jerry didn’t know but, after having stealthily picked up one of Hoss’ gun, this one deep asleep, he followed the beast. Fluffy-Bowl, having increased the pace, gained altitude. Jerry caught a glimpse of it while a cloud cleared the moon. Its figure stood out on a hillock’s summit, then suddenly disappeared. Jerry was no longer able to see anything but he perceived the noise of a groaning, piercing screams and several gunshots.

“Oh my ! Fluffy-Bowl” he moaned. Then, waving his gun, he started to run. He could see a figure aiming a gun on a stirring group. Difficult to say what exactly was in.

« Careful, Tom », a voice shouted. “you could hit Oswald”.

“So, that it was !” a voice whispered next to Jerry who realized that Hoss had joined him.

“Jerry” Hoss hushed “we certainly are dealing with the gangsters that killed your parents. You’re going to help me. Hide behind this rock and shoot as long as you have bullets. I; give you another gun. That will scare them. The rest is my concern.”

Half closing his eyes, Jerry pressed the trigger. He heard Hoss’gun answering him. He shot again and again. The racket increased and he felt as if he was sinking into a vortex.

“Hello, son, have a drink”. These words, pronounced by Hoss’ familiar voice, awoke him. The sun had risen and Fluffy-Bowl was generously licking him.

“We got them !” Hoss announced, triumphantly.

He led the child on the fight place.

“Don’t try to recognize Oswald. Fluffy-Bowl made a dirty mess with him. But try to identify the others.”

“This one and this one. They were part of the gang. This one too. No doubt.”

Hoss put one of the men across his horse’s saddle and they headed to the sheriff of the nearest town. He came to identify the other corpses and Hoss was granted with several rewards.

“You shouldn’t give it to me but to Jerry and Fluffy-Bowl”.

« To the bear, we can’t but to the boy, it’s possible. Son, now, you’re rich.”

Once the little caravan  had started off again, Jerry asked Hoss if he would be kind enough to hear him.

“Listen, Hoss ! I got a good idea. Let’s go back to your father’s home. You can’t go on this way, you can’t stay such a long time so far from him. You surely miss your family and your father is certainly worrying about you. You’ve been away for four months. Once there, we’ll ask your father to invest my money and to administer it until I’m grown-up.”

 “That’s a very good idea but I can’t go back with Fluffy-Bowl. It killed Adam’s dog and, sure, Adam didn’t forgive it.”

“Give me Fluffy-Bowl, please, Hoss. Understand, it’s a little as a brother for me. Burry had killed its mother as he had murdered my parents and it avenged us both. For me, Fluffy-Bowl, it’s all I have as family left. Don’t resent me. You, you are a friend, a very good friend, the best of all friends but you aren’t my father nor my brother. As a matter of fact, you’re sort of an uncle. That’s it, an uncle ! You know, I am perfectly able to sort out by myself with Fluffy-Bowl’s help. I can earn enough to eat and buy clothes and it can protect me. If I stay on the whereabouts, I’ll always be able to call you for help.”

Hoss looked at the little man ; then he turned to the young bear. Fluffy-Bowl nodded as if he had understood. Hoss’s face lit up with this smile of his, irresistible to men and women and took Jerry’s hand.

“Let’s go! I know on hour way, just walking a few hours, a farm where the farmer’s wife is very good in cooking a rabbit in the sauce and makes delicious pancakes. And Fluffy-Bowl will have honey.

Forward !”

                                       THE END


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Author: ViveAdam

Age : 62. Married, 4 children and 7 grandchildren. French, living next to Paris. Profession : lawyer, journalist and publisher. I've been watching Bonanza for 25 years. Favourite character : Adam

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