Synopsis: A cute new song about the Cartwrights
Rating: G Words: 270
The Brandsters acknowledge that the authors are the owners of their stories. Should an author included in the project reach out to us and indicate they do not wish their work to be archived in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library, we will remove their stories. We would also be happy to change the e:mail address for any authors who wish to continue to have their stories archived in the Library.
(Sing to the tune of “The Addams Family”)
(Chorus One)
Ben and the Boys [snap, snap],
Ben and the Boys [snap, snap],
Ben and the Boys, Ben and the Boys,
Ben and the Boys! [snap, snap]
Verse One
They’re rugged and they’re daring,
Adventurous and caring,
They’re absolutely manly…
The Cartwright Family J
(Chorus Two)
Ben and Buck [snap, snap],
Adam and Sport [snap, snap],
Hoss and Chubb, Joe and “Cooch”,
Jamie and Pepper! [snap, snap]
Verse Two
There’s Ben, the ideal father,
Principled, wise and patient,
Stern, but kind and loving.
The Cartwright Family J
(Chorus Three)
Ben and his wives [snap, snap],
Ben and Liz [snap, snap],
Ben and Inger, Ben and Marie,
Ben and his wives. [snap, snap]
Verse Three
Adam is hairy-chested,
Intelligent and charming,
Sensitive and witty!
The Cartwright Family!
(Repeat Chorus One)
Verse Four
There’s Hoss, The Gentle Giant,
Peacemaker and helper,
He’s altogether friendly!
The Cartwright Family J
Chorus Four
Patriarch Ben [snap, snap],
The Man in Black [snap, snap],
Gentle Giant, Bod from God,
Jamie Hunter, too! [snap, snap].
Verse Five
Little Joe is so handsome,
Vulnerable and vibrant,
Flirtatious and passionate!
The Cartwright Family J
(Repeat Chorus One)
Verse Six
There’s Jamie who was an orphan,
Idealistic and maturing,
The loyal teen who joined
The Cartwright Family J
Chorus Five
Thundering Ben! [snap, snap]
Complicated Adam! [snap, snap]
Loveable Hoss! Sexy Joe!
A family for Jamie! [snap, snap]
Verse Seven
Hop Sing is so busy,
Cooking, cleaning and complaining!
Thank goodness he takes care of
The Cartwright Family J
This is very cute. Thanks