Summary: A young little Joe struggles to sleep as he fears there may be monsters around. Will Ben and the family be able to help him get past his fears?
Rated: K (1,930 words)
Monsters and Maps
The night started off the same as any other warm Virginia City night.
After dinner Ben went to finish up some paper work and Marie went to help Hop sing clean up the kitchen. Little Joe and Hoss played checkers, while Adam started another fascinating chapter in his book.
“Okay Bedtime;” said Ben in a calm but firm voice.
Whines and pleas of “just a few more minutes” could be heard from both Hoss and Joe.
“Mes fils, you heard your father;” came Marie’s soft reply.
“Why does Adam get to stay up later mama?” was Hoss’s only defense.
“He’s much older than you, and his body does not need as much sleep,” was her patient response. Every night they went through this same negotiation of bedtime limits.
“I only stay up an hour later Hoss you won’t miss anything really;” said Adam in a matter of fact voice.
Hoss pouted in his defeat, but suddenly sobs could be heard from little Joe as his pout increased and became even more evident.
“Mon petit, what’s wrong?” Marie scooped him up into her arms and began to kiss his cheek and run her fingers through his soft curls.
“I don’t wanna go to sleep, there’s monsters in my woom.”
Before Marie could answer Ben stepped in; “Now Joseph, I’ve told you before that there is none such monsters in your room.” Ben was firm yet comforting.
His sobs quickly turned into cries of persistence as he argued “yes there wis and they hide so nobody else can see em,” which led Marie to give a sharp glare at Ben.
Feeling compelled to prove his statement and satisfy both his son and wife; Ben cradled his young little boy all the way up stairs and began to check every possible ‘monster hiding spot.
“You see Joseph; there aren’t any monsters what so ever in your room, will you go to bed now?”
“Wait papa, you didn’t check under my bwed.”
After a short frustrated sigh, he did as his son requested.
“Alright Joseph; I’ve checked everywhere now and there are as I told you, no monsters. Now let’s get you tucked in.”
“But papa, can I just sleep with you pwease?”
“Joseph, the best way to get over your fears is to face them. You may not sleep with us tonight because there are absolutely no monsters in your room and I want you to be a big boy and sleep in your own bed, is that clear?”
Obviously defeated, little Joe did none other than comply.
After both his parents tucked him in and said good night, they gave him looks of reassurance and left the room.
Joe thought for a moment about what his father said; feeling confident like a brave big boy, he drifted into a peaceful sleep while hugging his warm teddy bear.
After one final yawn, Adam made his mind up to turn in for the night.
As he nestled into his own soft bed, and his mind began to think about the past day’s events.
He had completed all his chores early and Hoss was bored around the house drawing pictures so they both went fishing. Then they both got a nice surprise when Pa showed up and he caught a great big fish, unfortunately he got away though.
Adam began to smile at the thought of how funny his Pa looked as he tried his hardest to handle that fish. At first Ben was frustrated that the fish got the best of him, but when he turned around and saw his boys laughing at how wet he became, he couldn’t help but laugh as well.
As soon as they came home the laughter reignited when the all but innocent little Joe asked; “papa, how come you got wet?” Marie filled the house with her contagious laughter as Ben tried to reenact the story.
Adam fell asleep smiling at how great of a day he had.
“Adum, Adumm… wake up Adum!” little Joe’s whisper became louder and more persistant
“What is it?” A drowsy Adam awoke.
“I heard a noise Adum get up pwease!”
“Little buddy it was probably just the wind, go on back to sleep.”
“But that’s what papa an mama said, I twied to sleep but I heard it again, pwease Adum!”
“Okay I’ll check and see but then you have to go back to sleep.”
Little Joe grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the best of his ability. “A big brothers job never stops Adam thought to himself.”
“All right I’m here, now where was this noise you heard? “
Little Joe pointed to a chair in the corner.
Adam lit a lantern and inspected the room, upon finding nothing he decided to reason with him.
“Look little buddy I’ve checked everywhere and there’s no one here. I’ll make you a promise; if you go back to sleep and stay in bed then I’ll take you fishing tomorrow after my chores, how’s that?”
“Okay but we gotta make sure I’m safe.”
An idea sparked in Adams mind.
“Follow me buddy.” Adam had a creative look in his eyes.
They went down stairs and got altogether some pots, pans and string.
“What’s that for Adum?” Little Joe asked as he pointed to the contraption on the bottom of the stairs.
“If a monster were to come up stairs he would trip and make a bunch of noise, then pa and everyone would know to come help you.”
Little Joe smiled in satisfaction and then let out a big yawn.
After Adam tucked Joe back in bed, he gave him a wink and went back to his room and settled in his own bed once again. He pulled up the covers and put his mind at ease, no later than an hour had passed and he felt something on his arm.
“Adum wake up pwease.”
“Joe you’re supposed to be in bed, what is it?”
“I heard another noise, come see.”
“Joe I told you there was nothing in your room.”
“But I heard it down stairs, pwease come see, it might be the twap.”
“Alright I’ll go check for you but then you go back to bed. Wait in my room while I check.”
Little Joe waited in Adams bed fully alert when he returned but with Ben behind him.
“Papa I heard another noise,” Joe explained.
“The only noise I and your mother keep hearing is both your footsteps.” Ben sounded grumpy.
“Well pa, I figured if I checked for him he would feel better.”
“I understand Adam, thank you for helping your brother but you should go back to sleep yourself.” Ben picked little Joe off of Adam’s bed.
“Yes sir, good night little buddy.”
“Night Adum,” said little Joe as he was carried out.
“Now Joseph I’m absolutely sure that monsters are not real and are not in your room, or in this house for that matter.”
“Will you stay with me until I fwall asleep papa?”
“Alright, I’ll sit right here and wait.”
“Okay, Night papa.”
“Good night son”
Ben waited until he was very sure that little Joe was sleeping. He then tip toed out and went to his own room.
Trying not to wake Marie he very carefully slipped into bed. There was no use though; when it came to her children Marie was alert and anxious.
“What took you so long mon chou?”
“Just Joseph dear, he was having trouble sleeping.”
“And what did you say to him?”
“I just assured him that monsters aren’t real and I waited for him to fall asleep as he requested.”
“You know lots of children his age believe in silly things, perhaps we should have let him sleep in our bed.”
“He’s already asleep and I’m sure he’ll get over this faze soon.”
Marie settled closer to Ben and fell asleep as he caressed her hair.
Without warning something plopped down on their bed causing them a great panic. They scrambled for a moment trying to ignite their lanterns. Once there was light, the culprit was found.
“Joseph what on earth are you doing?” They both said in unison.
“I heard it again, really loud too!” His voice was panicked.
“Joseph I’ve told you a dozen times that…”
Ben was cut off by a loud sound of pots rattling. Marie grabbed Joe and held him close. Before Ben could reach the door knob Adam and Hoss rushed into the room panicked as well.
“Pa I set a trap on the stairs, there’s someone down there!”
Hoss ran over and got in bed next to Marie while Adam and Ben headed for the stairs.
Ben stopped at the bottom of the stairs staring at the familiar dark image. Adam was right behind him with a lantern.
“Pa it’s just Hop sing.”
“I know son, let’s help him up.”
It was the crack of dawn and the entire Cartwright family was down stairs that morning.
“Hop sing I’m sorry you got caught in my trap, it was meant for monsters,” said Adam.
“Hop sing you’re not a monster, why were you in the twap?” Joe was completely curious.
“It five in morning I go to start breakfast and I see no pans, I go ask mistah Cartwright if he seen Hop sing’s pans. When Hop sing get to stairs he trip on string. Why little boy make trap with Hop sing’s pans?”
“So no monsters could get me.”
Hop sing just shook his head and said; “I be right back, you wait here.”
“Papa, where’s Hop sing goin?” Asked little Joe.
Ben just glared at the old clock on his desk and said; “at five thirty in the morning, I have no idea.”
After a few minutes Hop sing returned with something in his hand, he then handed it to Joe.
“What’s this?” Little Joe asked while holding up a small map.
“It is a map.” Hop sing pointed to a small dot.
“Right here is where monsters live and they far far away, nowhere near number three son.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes you very safe from them, they never come here;” Replied Hop sing.
At that Little Joe gave the map back to him and went back to bed without anyone having to tuck him in.
Back down stairs Ben was puzzled
“You mean to tell me that all I had to do was tell him they live somewhere else?”
Hop sing nodded his head and gave Ben the map. “You no worry mistah Cartwright he grow out of it soon, you keep map.”
Then him and Marie collected all the pots and pans and went into the kitchen, giggles from Marie could be heard. Ben turned around and saw Adam and Hoss laughing away. “And what is so hilarious to you?”
Adam pointed to the map and said; “it’s not even real, it’s just the drawing Hoss had earlier before we went fishing.”
At five forty five in the morning, the Cartwright home was filled with laughter, while one member was sound asleep.
End Notes:
“Please leave reviews and let me no any suggestions.”
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.
An adorable little story about an adorable little boy
So glad the family helped him allay his fears, as to a small child these fears are very real
Little Joe forever
This was adorable! It’s amazing how stubborn children can be about something and yet at the same time so believing about something else.
Beautiful story! I just loved it.
such a cute story. Joe is such a loveable little boy. Love this story thanks
Aww you wrote little joe very cutely !
Nice story ?
Cute story, AlleyMay. Hop Sing very smart man.