Joe stared at the apparition. The woman now wore a plain green, cotton frock. His thoughts were even more confused.
Was she the woman in his dreams?
Was it not his mama in the field with his Pa?
Was it not his mama riding the black horse…the falling horse…the screaming horse?
Each question, each thought sent a stab of pain shooting through his head. The silence hung in the air. Thick and penetrating, like a heavy mist over the Tahoe.
“You’re real.” was all Joe could gasp. His fingers rubbed at the bandage wrapped around his forehead. As if by some chance he could erase or pull the throbbing ache from his head.
“Whatya think shortshanks, aint it a caution?” the cutting look of exasperation and annoyance that flashed at Hoss brought a wide smile to his face. Only a growed up little brother could look at him like that and get away with it. The big man was delighted.
“I’m sorry.” Etta could still see little Joe’s deathly white face. His eyes wide with disbelief and horror. Thankfully Adam reached Joe before he collapsed to the glass strewn floor. Thankfully too the cuts Adam received on his bare feet were minimal, nothing serious.
“Sorry?” Joe couldn’t understand the apology. It wasn’t as if she had done anything wrong. After all wasn’t it he who needed to apologise for bringing trouble to her door.
“For this morning.” she explained “l didn’t mean to give you such a scare…I heard a noise and…”
Trying to make light of it Joe gave a lopsided grin. “Reckon l’m glad it was you and not what l was thinking.” Joe’s words brought a shared tight smile from everyone.
“Even so, l am sorry. Can l get you something you seem to be in pain?”
“Please.” Joe nodded. He had hoped that his brothers would have been more responsive to his predicament and discomfort. Yes, his head was fit to bust but so was his bladder.
“I need to go,” he whispered in desperation at Etta’s departing back. “help me to the outhouse.” he pleaded.
“You aint going anywhere’s.” Hoss was dumbfounded “you aint supposed to be walking. Here.” Hoss pulled the pot out from under the bed. Adam made a move for the door to delay Etta’s return.
“I can make it to the outhouse…with help.” Joe argued in vain, as he, with Hoss’s assistance was helped to sit on the side of the bed. Hoss placed the chamber pot in Joe’s lap.
“That’s all the help yer getting. Now get on with it.” The more Joe fumed and turned an angered face in his direction the happier Hoss became.
“You gonna stand there watching me ya big ox?” grinning madly Hoss shook his head. Hitched his thumbs into the pockets of his vest and strode away from the bed whistling an unrecognisable tune.
“Can l turn around now?” Hoss chuckled at his request.
“Do what the hell ya like.” Joe’s brother couldn’t stem his laughter.
“Good ta have yer back Joe.” it was impossible for Hoss to hide his exuberance. Joe lay, eyes closed as if her were asleep. “yer feeling better now?”
“No.” grumbled Joe “won’t be till my arm is strong enough to poke you in your big mouth.” he added behind closed eyes. Hoss’s laughter deepened into guffaws.
“Reckon l’d better see ta this, case yer feel the need to give me a drenching.” Joe’s voice was becoming drowsy.
“The thought had crossed my mind.”
His thoughts though were with the woman and her amazing likeness to his mama. Of the few things he could remember, her sudden, silent appearance in the kitchen was uppermost in his mind. He remembered the struggle to get to the sink. He remembered dropping the glass. He remembered her standing in her nightgown…the open robe, so like Adam’s. How did he get back to this bedroom? Where was Adam? Where was Hoss?
He assumed it had to be one of them that had carried him back to the bed. He had no idea how many rooms the house had. He was sure that there was only one more bedroom beside this one. This morning there was only one direction in which he could turn, toward the kitchen. He couldn’t think anymore.
Joe didn’t feel the light tap on his shoulder. Etta turned to Adam stating the obvious. Joe was asleep and it was best not to wake him. If he could sleep without being medicated it was for the good. Adam nodded his agreement. He didn’t speak his mind. Was his brother going to wake as a child? Etta had no doubt about Adam’s thoughts. Placing a hand on his arm she tried to reassure him.
“I am sure it won’t happen. He seems perfectly aware of himself.” she cuddled into the arm that was about her shoulder. She wanted to make the most of every second before Friday dawned.
Friday, the day they would have to part. She didn’t know whether she was doing the right thing. She felt maybe she should tell him now, at once. The thought of his reaction, that he wouldn’t want her, caused her to be selfish. Friday was soon enough.
I love this ending for Etta and Adam!
This is such a lovely ending for Adam and Etta!
That was terrific. I like Etta – she is the perfect foil for Adam.
Please let’s have more of this story.