ETTA (by ansinico)

Hoss couldn’t understand why but he felt as if he had caught his brother and Etta in the act of doing something they shouldn’t. They were only talking. Miss Etta looked as if she didn’t know where she was. As if she were any place other than the pantry in which she was standing, with her back against the wall. Hoss reckoned that whatever they were talking on must be more than serious. For a moment even Adam gave his brother a vacant look. Adam opened his mouth to speak. The sound of horses and wagons distracted them all. Etta brushed a hand over her hair and then swept her palms down the apron that covered the front of her pale yellow, flowered dress.

“Best see who it is.” she recovered her composure at the same time as Adam.

“Where’s Joe?” Adam asked Hoss as they followed his large frame out of the house. As soon as he answered Hoss realised his words were not well chosen.

“Sleeping like a baby.” Adam’s tight smile went a way to making him feel less foolish. Thomas Simms spring chickened from the buggy. It was though, the driver of the wagon that followed and the lone rider who brought up the rear, that brought wreaths of smiles of welcome and astonishment to the Cartwright brothers faces. Etta looked just as surprised to see the doctor and these two strangers. An Asian man, even smaller than her friend Thomas Simms and an elderly Sheriff.

They were obviously no strangers to Hoss and Adam. It came to her mind that Hoss had told her about a Chinese man…Hoppy or Hopsy…she couldn’t quiet recall his name. Her memory was corrected by the man himself. Hoss made a grab for the small man. Hauled him out of the seat and placed him on the ground beside the wagon. The Chinese man was not amused and batted away the large paws of the chuckling Hoss.

“Too much foolishment. Mista Hoss disrespect Hop Sing.”

“Mista Hoss wouldn’t dare.” Hoss dipped a bow to the annoyed Asian. “Dadburn Hop Sing where’d you spring from? If you an Sheriff Roy aint a sight for sore eyes.”

Etta stayed in the background as the welcomes were made. Adam shook the hand of the sheriff who had climbed a little wearily from the saddle. They were now clapping each other on the shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye Adam caught a glimpse of Etta . Adam took her hand, and after apologising for his lack of manners introduced her to Roy Coffee and Hop Sing. Thomas Simms watched the welcoming ceremony with a gleam in his eyes and a satisfied, fatherly smile on his face. These people were good for Etta. Etta Tone, the girl his wife and he, being childless, had taken under their wing from the first day that Matthew Tone and Etta had turned up on their doorstep. She had been on her own for far too long and was sorely in need of friends and company. Thomas Simms was as sure as he could be that Etta and Adam Cartright cared deeply for each other. Hoss Cartwright was a man anyone would be proud to call a friend. He supposed that the young Cartwright to be cut from the same cloth. And now this amiable Asian man and the trusty Sheriff Roy Coffee. Two men he had only just met but had no doubt they would fit the bill.

It took no time at all for a fresh pot of coffee to bubble and the table to be spread. The room was a hubbub of sound. Everyone trying to talk at the same time. It wasn’t until Hop Sing questioned.

‘Where lita Joe?’ that Hoss with a gasp and cry.

“Dang l left him in the barn.” Adam and Etta grinned as Hoss made a dash for the door. Hop Sing and the sheriff shared looks of perplexity.

“Oh good, he must be up and about.” the doctor remarked.

Adam went on to explain to Hop Sing and Roy about Joe’s accident. By the time Hoss and the bleary eyed little Joe returned, Adam had found out that Roy and Hop Sing had arrived at Turner’s Town yesterday. Hoping that there would be messages waiting were. They were directed to Doctor Simms house as he had collected the wires earlier. At the doctors they were made welcome by his wife. The doctor having been called out to a attend a child who had broken it’s arm. Harriet Simms had suggested that the two men stay overnight with the Doctor and herself. Her husband would then take them to Etta Tone’s house the following day. This offer was taken up by the two travelers. There was a message from Candy for Roy c/o Adam Cartwright. Roy was pleased to read that all communication lines had been repaired and that Ben Cartwright was on his way home. Adam found more or less the same information in his wire.

Everyone was now seated in the main room. On Hoss’s and Joe’s entrance, room was made for Joe to sit in comfort. His leg resting on a cushion atop the low wooden coffee table. Hoss brought a chair in from the kitchen, but not before snagging a couple of cookies. Joe was more than pleased to see the visitors especially Hop Sing.

Between the munching and sipping and questions being asked and answered, everyone was brought up to date. Doc decided that he should check his patient. Much to the peeved and injured Cartwright’s annoyance, . With the help of Hoss, Joe was assissted to the bedroom.

Thomas Simms fortunately had the foresight to collect some extra supplies. Etta, with an offer of help from Hop Sing, which she readily accepted, returned to the kitchen to prepare a stew for dinner. Which left Adam and Roy Coffee to their own devices. Adam advised he would unhitch the wagon and see the the horses. As he had hoped, Roy offered to help, saying that his own horse also needed to be attended to. It was as they were working that Adam, in a round about way put Etta’s predictament to the law man. It was Adam’s feeling that now that Etta had bared her soul, she would benefit from a legal point of view, as well as finally easing her troubled mind. Of course, Adam, without Etta’s knowledge or agreement hadn’t disclosed verbatum what he had been told. He thought that it would only be for the better if Etta spoke with the lawman herself.

Roy more or less told Adam what he had himself surmised. If a crime had been committed it would need to be investigated. As it was over ten years ago it would be difficult to say the least. Roy advised that if the guilty party confessed and gave as much help as possible. It would only be to that persons benefit. Especially as Adam had advised that there had been provocation and that the guilty party was of a young age. Roy added that if Adam wanted him to look into the matter further he would need more specific details. Roy was no fool, but it didn’t take a genius to figure that Adam could only be refering to the woman. Roy also knew Adam Cartright better than he knew any man. Under that calm exterior and the matter of fact way Adam had put the questions. Roy could sense that Adam was more than troubled. He would need to take a spell to think back and see if he could remember anything out of the ordinary. But again without details it was nigh impossible. If the crime had been committed out of his juristiction. Unless it was something heinous or memorable for its brutality. He would have know knowledge at all.

After a hearty meal and more converstaion it was decided that Roy and Hop Sing would return with Thomas Simms. Hop Sing with Roy’s help would get whatever provisions were required for the journey home. Not knowing what reception Hop Sing would receive. Adam had wanted to accompany the small man but Roy dissuaded him. Saying he had some business of his own to attend to. A reply was drafted to Candy’s wires, which Roy would send today. Then return with Hop Sing tomorrow. That would be Thursday and then everyone could leave on Friday morning. It was the Cartwright brother’s hope that they would be back at the Ponderosa before their father. Adam flicked a look at Etta. She lowered her eyes and wouldn’t meet his gaze. They would have to talk. He had every intention of bringing Etta with him. He was not in any mood to take no for an answer.


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Author: ansinico

3 thoughts on “ETTA (by ansinico)

  1. That was terrific. I like Etta – she is the perfect foil for Adam.
    Please let’s have more of this story.

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