Something About Amy (by JC)

Summary:  Tennyson said, “‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.”  What would Joe Cartwright say? (WHI/WHN for The Truckee Strip and part of the Ties That Bind AU series)

Rating K+   (1782 words)

Ties That Bind series

Ties That Bind
Imperfect Memory
A Pearl Without Price
A Piece of Cake
Something About Amy
Guarding the Henhouse
When Angels Cry
No Ordinary Day
Winter of Discontent
Gently, Full of Grace




“Is this the place?”

Joe Cartwright narrowed his eyes against the glint of the sun, expelling the air from his lungs in a measured breath. “Yeah.”

They were standing on the bank of a creek that meandered across a parcel of Ponderosa land they called the Truckee Strip—at the very spot where he first met Amy Bishop.  He had intended to come back before now, but the thought of returning always provoked some excuse to put it off.  Did that make him a coward?

It wasn’t as if he’d never lost anyone close to him, but when his mother died he was too young to understand death. Its finality was something he would learn. All he knew then was that she wasn’t there to take him in her lap or dry his tears or tuck him in bed with a story and a goodnight kiss. At first he marked her absence by the things they used to do together, but as he got older the things he remembered and missed the most about her were simpler and yet harder to put into words—the lullaby of her voice even when she wasn’t singing, the scent of roses and lilacs when she held him. Time had blurred the edges of that pain, the loss absorbed by the years and the resilience of youth.

But the grief that consumed him now was fresh and raw, a gaping hole that threatened to swallow him if he got too close, and there was nowhere to run. Some days he teetered right on the edge.

A lot of girls had turned his head during his eighteen years of living. Amy certainly wasn’t the first, nor was she even the most beautiful. But there was something about her—she was different—and he took notice that day, there on the creek bank.

It was Cartwright land, verified by a court of law, but Amy’s father, Luther Bishop, hadn’t seen it that way. The dissension between the owners of the Ponderosa and the Concho was deep and widely known, and a judge’s ruling couldn’t erase a man’s animosity when he felt he’d been cheated.

When Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth, Joe figured he probably hadn’t counted on Ben Cartwright.  There was nothing meek about his father when it came to the land. From as early as he could remember, Pa had preached to him about the land. The land was life, like the blood and sweat that had bought and nurtured it, to be preserved and protected as a father’s legacy and his children’s inheritance.  No man dare take it from them.

Joe had accepted all this as fact, like a dutiful son, never questioning. The Strip had no particular significance to him except that it was theirs. And so when word came that someone was cutting timber up there, he was righteously indignant, along with the rest of his family.

Most likely the perpetrators were Bishop’s men, according to Pa.  Joe lost the trail of one of them near the creek. Unnerved by a noise in the bushes, he drew his gun and threatened to shoot. That’s when Amy emerged—a brown-haired, slip of a girl clad only in her chemise and petticoat, holding her dress as a shield. He clearly held the advantage and was enjoying it until the subject of trespassing came up and identities were revealed.

She promptly insulted him for being a “high and mighty Cartwright.”  Well, what else could you expect from a Bishop?

The moment she screamed, he only did what came naturally.  It seemed she was more startled by a frog than a Cartwright pointing a gun at her. He grabbed her by the waist to steady her, thinking she had the prettiest white shoulders he’d ever seen, especially the way her dark curls fell softly against them. And when she raised those doe eyes and smiled at him, didn’t his heart skip a beat? It sure seemed like it.  Anyway, it was something he’d never felt before.  He left her that day knowing he would see her again, no matter what Pa might have to say.

Amy was a tiny thing, probably not much more than five feet, but she fit in his arms as if she were made precisely for that purpose. They spent stolen hours by the creek while she read sonnets to him.  He didn’t pretend to understand them—he just loved the sound of her voice, loved watching her face, waiting for just the right moment to capture her lips in a kiss.  Before long, they were planning their future together in spite of the fact that their families were bitter enemies. He wanted her for the rest of his life. Yes, it could be. Love was stronger than hate, he assured her. He’d been raised to believe that.

But he never got the chance to prove it to her. It wasn’t fair. He would grow old, and she would always be seventeen.

Was it worth it – all that fighting over a bunch of trees? He had asked the question and never really gotten an answer, only his father’s assurance that he would never place the land above his family. But by then it was too late.

It was Pa who wrote Jilly about Amy. Joe had never been good at putting words on paper, unlike his sister, and besides, there were some things he just couldn’t put in a letter.  Her reply was the next best thing to having her there, and he nearly wore the paper out from so much reading. He would have shown it to the others had they asked, but a part of him was glad they didn’t. He made up his mind that whenever she came back from San Francisco he would show her the spot by the creek where he fell in love for the first time in his life.

He felt Jilly’s light touch on his arm as she spoke. “It’s so pretty and peaceful—I can see why she liked it here.  Joe, I wish I could’ve met her.”

“She wanted to meet you, too. I told her all about you. You would’ve loved each other.”

She smiled. “I’m sure we would have. Isn’t it strange that we grew up practically next door and didn’t even know each other? We could’ve been friends all these years.”

“Well, the Bishops and the Cartwrights weren’t exactly on sociable terms.”

“I know. It’s a shame, though, that a strip of land could drive such a wedge between people.”

“It wasn’t just the land. Maybe it was at first, but it went beyond a man’s right to protect what he owns. It was also a matter of pride. Pa and Mr. Bishop both thought they were right, but only one of them could be. After Amy died, it didn’t seem to matter who was right and who was wrong.”

“You don’t blame either one of them, do you?”


“Well, I’m sure Mr. Bishop would give everything he owns if it would bring her back. I feel sorry for him, too.”

“So do I—Amy was really all he had.” He couldn’t forget the grief in Luther Bishop’s eyes that day. His daughter was dead, and he was alone, so Joe left him with a lie out of pity. She said it could never be—a Cartwright and a Bishop. It seemed kinder than the truth, which he would never know.

Jilly’s eyes softened in sympathy. “It’s hard for me to imagine things being any different than they are, especially you getting married, but I can’t help but feel a sense of loss. You said you told her all about me. I’d really like to know more about the girl who almost became my sister.”

“I’d like that too.” He pulled a folded piece of paper from his shirt pocket and handed it to her. “Do you recognize this?”

She scanned the page. “It’s one of my letters.”

“It’s the one you wrote me right after it happened. I carried it with me every day for a while, just so I could read it whenever I wanted to, that’s how much it meant to me. I tried to write you back and tell you about Amy but I just couldn’t get the words down. I decided the best thing I could do was to bring you here and tell you face to face.”

They settled themselves on the bank next to each other. What had been difficult for him before came naturally now. Not that sharing his memories was painless, but the hurt was like a sore muscle being kneaded, the kind that brings healing in the end. The tears were a luxury he wouldn’t afford himself in front of his brothers. Jilly cried too, as he knew she would.

In the silence that followed, they sat shoulder to shoulder and watched the afternoon sun begin its descent into the hills.

“I knew Amy had to be someone really special if she could get you interested in Shakespeare.” She gave him a playful nudge.

A corner of his mouth turned up. “That’s almost a miracle, isn’t it?”

“Joe, do you think Tennyson was right, that it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”

It was a phrase he had heard more than once, and he contemplated its new relevance to his life. “Well, there were days when I wasn’t so sure, but yes, I do think so. Besides, you don’t lose everything. Some things you keep; and you’re better for them.”

Her smile was softer, and a little sad. “I was worried this was going to change you, and I can see that it has. You’ve grown up.”

“So have you.”

“I’m really glad you told me about Amy. Now I feel almost as if I did know her.”

“I’m glad, too. Come on, it’s getting late. Pa’s gonna be wondering where we are.” He stood up and pulled her to her feet.

“Do you think you’ll come back here?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but if I don’t, it won’t be because I can’t. I know that now.”

Before she could mouth a reply, an eagle screamed above them, diverting their attention to the sky. They watched until it was no more than a speck on the horizon.

She looked back at him.  “It’s good to find out we’re stronger than we think, and that in spite of all the bad that happens, the world is still a beautiful place, isn’t it?”

He smiled. “Yes, it is.”

That’s something Amy would have said.


The End



Acknowledgements:  The characters Amy and Luther Bishop appeared in The Truckee Strip (Season 1 Episode 11),  written by Herman Groves.  Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “In Memoriam A.H.H.” was published in 1850.



Tags:  Angst, Jilly Cartwright, Joe / Little Joe Cartwright, Sister




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Author: JC

A drop in the sea of humanity. And I write a bit.

22 thoughts on “Something About Amy (by JC)

  1. I am glad that Little Joe had Jilly’ shoulder to lean on,Pa,Adam and Hoss -all there for him but they didn’t have that invisible inner thread called Maria that belong only to those two.

  2. Lovely story. Amy was one of the few girls Joe loved that I always thought was just perfect for his story arch. She was part of a tragic instance in his life that caused him to mature and face who he was and who he wanted to be.
    This early episode is one of my favorites, and I couldn’t help but feel that the Cartwright men, despite their many MANY brilliant qualities, always came up lacking when a deep emotional turmoil needed soothing ( ie; Newcomers, Vengeance, Julia Bulette, A House Divided). They are, after all, men. And though Ben and Adam can give a stirring oration on the merits of a right and wrong choice, and Hoss can speak in simple terms the truths of men and nature like no other, sometimes what they all needed was the words and presence of a woman.
    So inserting Jilly into this beloved story was a joy to read – and she fit so seamlessly, I can almost believe she was the Cartwright that was meant to be. Almost. I’m still being painstakingly convinced that a Cartwright sister is not an abomination.

    1. I’ve been doing a little library cleanup and just now found this lovely review, Carrie. Thank you for your compliments and also for your very insightful comments regarding “the words and presence of a woman” — with which I agree. In the cases you mentioned it would have allowed for another layer of emotional expression in all the characters. (And almost believing is good enough for me. I’m not making the case that it should have been this way, only how it could have been.) 🙂

  3. After a second read of this story I found so much more depth to Joe that was seen in the episode as well if you look for it. As Jilly said he has grown up but probably thanks to her he was able to share enough of his joy and pain to continue to heal and to keep Amy warmly in his heart. I miss Amy too. I could see she and Joe living a long happy life together.

    1. The Truckee Strip is more than just a doomed love story, in spite of the fact it’s the Bonanza version of Romeo and Juliet. What I really love about this early episode is that it reveals so much about Joe’s character. We see his fire and passion, his youthful optimism and also his angst as he weighs family loyalty against his deep sense of right and wrong. It’s a mature Joe who shows such compassion toward Luther Bishop at the end when he could have easily broken the man’s heart a second time. In this story he obviously sees some similarities between Amy and Jilly, who provides a safe place for him to grieve and remember. Thanks for reading, AC. 🙂

  4. Hi JC as you know I love your Ties That Bind stories more than all of them and Jilly fits in like she was always there, please can you tell me if you will be writing any more about when she was little, and she always seems to be good but she is a Cartwright child so I’m sure you could think of a time when Adam was in charge and pa away and Jilly gave him some trouble making him act like the father figure that he is to her ?

    1. I’m always happy to hear from someone who enjoys this series. Thank you for loving Jilly. As to whether or not there will be more stories, it’s hard to say. I really appreciate your comments, weaver. 🙂

  5. An interesting way to have Joe say what was in his heart. Usually stories have him opening up to one of his brothers or his father, but he gets to be more empathetic here and perhaps that’s because he’s talking with a female. It’s a mature Joe to talk about Ben and Luther and able to see their strengths also were their faults. Well done.

    1. I’m honored to be included in your 100 days of reading fan fiction, Betty (and a Joe story at that, when I know you prefer Adam). 🙂 You are absolutely right in that some men’s strengths can also be their faults, without their realizing. Your thoughtful review is much appreciated.

  6. Lovely exploration of Joe maturing. Not just about love and grief and the inescapable relationship between those two things, but also the question that episode posed regarding men’s protectiveness of their land and the cost that entails. Wistful, sad and yet uplifting, all at the same time. And, once again, even though I’m a Cartwright sister-hater, I forgive you for Jilly because the story is not about her and she fits very well here and provides the perfect foil for Joe’s outpouring of grief.

    Beautifully written, as always.

    1. Like so many of the Bonanza episodes, this one has multiple layers, and one of the most satisfying aspects of fan fiction is the opportunity to tease out those layers a little more. Jilly adds an additional layer here that seemed particularly appropriate in light of the events. By the way, it’s the Cartwright-sister haters that I enjoy hearing from the most, so I’m glad to know you liked this one, Inca. 🙂

  7. I didn’t think it was possible–a different take on “The Truckee Strip”! This was one of the few Joe romances I found believable; I was even sad when Amy died. But this was a great way of examining the story–and the love story beneath the story. Loved the chuckle about Shakespeare. Also I love that Jilly provides a “safe” outlet for the brothers’ softer emotions. I’ll be coming back to this one.

    1. The last scene with Joe and Amy is so heartbreaking and tender. That was what always struck me about this episode, and the fact that Joe would naturally carry that grief with him for a long time. I’m careful about where I place Jilly in terms of canon episodes, but I felt she was a natural for this one. I’m glad you liked it, sandspur. Thanks for the review! 🙂

  8. I can see this happening… The youngest Cartwrights certainly are growing up.

    Hmmm… I wonder what Jilly might think of Lotta and of Julia and everything that happened?

    1. I’m not sure she would ever know about Julia, but it’s interesting that you mentioned Lotta because that subject does come up in the next story, which is currently in progress. Thanks again, BWF. 🙂

  9. I really liked Amy, and was sad when she died. They could never have taken Joe off the market so early in the series though! (Or, as it turns out, ever …) And this feels very right — Jilly has a different perspective on the whole thing (and on Amy in particular) than the men, and I think it *would* be easier for Joe to talk about it with her. Also, I can definitely see her being sad for a sister-type relationship she wouldn’t get to have, as well.

    Very nice addition to your series. Thanks for writing!

    1. I liked Amy too and think she and Jilly would have had a lot in common. Joe would’ve known that, and it’s one reason why he could share his feelings with her more naturally than with his brothers. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series, PSW. Thanks so much for your review! 🙂

  10. Such a beautiful story to follow as sad episode. Joe and Amy fit so well together and it’s nice to have some closure to Joe’s loss.

  11. I have to say that I actually always thought Amy was the prettiest girl Joe dated/got engaged to/buried! It was interesting seeing this unfold with Jilly in the picture as she was the person he needed to unload to. I hope there are lots more stories in this series.

    1. And there were quite a few girls, right? No one could be as unlucky in love as the Cartwrights, especially poor Joe. I liked Amy, too. She seemed like a real girl, one of those with a quiet beauty that only grows more apparent with time. I thought this was an appropriate episode for Jilly to make an appearance, at least in the aftermath, not only as a comfort to Joe but to show how their relationship had matured. Thanks for reading, Questfan. 🙂

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